Dino Robot - Tarbo Cops 1.1.0 [free]


Assemble the parts are scattered
Try assembling a large and powerful robot dinosaur "Tarbo Cops".
After assembling You can use a variety of techniques.
"Tarbo Cops is a Double Target police officer responsible
for the security of T-rex city.
He is the direct aide of Tyranno Cops and responsible
for the security of outer area,
The main weapon is a laser fusion cannon mounted on the mouth.
He can request a rail gun and a hand cannon as additional parts,
And in the event of an emergency,
he will take charge of the defense of the outlying area."

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  • Nome del Applicazioni: Dino Robot - Tarbo Cops
  • Categoria: Casual
  • Nome APK: air.theflash.f2game.DinoRobot59
  • Ultima versione: 1.1.0
  • Requisito: 4.0 o superiore
  • Dimensioni del file : 46.17 MB
  • tempo aggiornato: 2023-04-14